You have received an email notifying you that your passwords will be synced, and you might be confused.   That's where this comes in!  Have no fear!

Background:  When we migrated to Office 365, everyone needed to have 2 passwords.  

1.  Your computer login / your network password (people call it different things).  It's the password you input after pressing CTL-ALT-DELETE on your computer to get you in to all your programs and documents.

2.  Your O365 password.  You MIGHT NOT EVEN KNOW THIS PASSWORD (at least a majority of people do not).  We configured this for everyone when we migrated to Office 365. 

This means that your network / computer password is different from the password configured in 1.  Outlook for email   2.    Outlook for email on your phone (if you have that configured). and  3. (which is where WEBMAIL resides as well as SharePoint, Teams, and the online version of Office 365 applications.

Now, I will explain what will happen, and what you MAY have to do.  (which in most cases, is NOTHING because we've tested this on ourselves, and on some other smaller groups in the company already)

What will happen?

1,  After we pull the trigger on your sync, your network / computer password will also become your Office 365 password.  So, if you know your computer / network password (and we really hope you know that) you are GOOD TO GO!

What will I have to do?

1.  If you have a company issued phone or iPad, you MAY get prompted to update your password.   Simply tap in your current computer / network password and you're done.

2.  On a company issued computer or laptop, you will have to do nothing.

How can I test it if there is no real change other than changing my password on my phone or iPad?

1.  Open a web browser and copy / paste   login with your company email address and your current computer / network password  (that password that we really hope you know!)

If you are ever in a situation where you need to check your email, but you don't have YOUR computer or phone available, what do you do?

1.  Use ANY computer and go to with a web browser such as Edge, Chrome, or Firefox.    Login with your company email address and your current computer / network password.

If you have an issue which you need our help with you can open an incident ticket by going to in a web browser.   You can also send us an email at  or you can call us at 1-877-606-2782