This article should help get you started if you've been upgraded to the new VPN client or you're a new VPN client user.  Generally, we've likely done a remote push of the VPN client to your machine.  This installs the client and gets your machine ready to remotely connect to MDVA network resources from outside the boundaries of the "office" network.

A VERY IMPORTANT note about logging in to the new VPN client. You MUST login with your EMAIL ADDRESS in the format   You can see below the format that must be used for login. The password will be your normal company "windows password" which is the same password that you use to login to your computer.

When you are ready to connect simply follow the instructions below.

1.  Start the AnyConnect VPN Client.

The easiest way is to type "Cisco" into the search bar on your computer.  This will look "slightly" different between Windows 10 and Windows 11.  For demonstration purposes, we'll use Windows 10.  After tying "Cisco" in the search bar, you will see the result below.  It might look identical or slightly different depending on the apps that are installed on your machine.  But, look near the top and you should have a "Best match" over the "Apps" category.  Click on the "Best match" which is "Cisco Secure Client".

After you have launched the program you'll see it at the bottom right of your computer's main screen.  It will come up blank as shown below so the first time you connect, you must copy and paste this address into the drop down box beneath "Ready to connect" in the app display.  Copy this address :    

Freshly installed with no connection target view below.

After you have copied   to your clip board and pasted it into the app.

2.  Click on "Connect"  

After doing so, you will be presented with the login prompt.  As written at the beginning of this article, you MUST use your EMAIL ADDRESS as your Username:

After entering your EMAIL ADDRESS as your Username and your Windows Password as the Password click on OK to connect. 

Click on "Accept" to complete your connection.

3.  To disconnect from the VPN you click on the up arrow at the bottom right of your computer taskbar, then right click on the Cisco AnyConnect icon and select "Disconnect".

Select "Disconnect"

That will disconnect the VPN.

4.  On first connection, the VPN client will download a connection profile and you will then be able to select between 2 different company VPN nodes.  It really doesn't matter which one you choose, but we prefer that you use the Azure one as primary and Newport News as backup.

After you have connected to a VPN node, the VPN client will have selections in the pull down like shown above.